
Zoom is a video and audio web conferencing tool with easy collaboration, chat, screen sharing and more across mobile devices, desktops, and telephones.


March 17, 2025

The minimum Zoom application version has been raised to 6.1.6. Managed devices are updated automatically. Unmanaged (personal) devices may require you to update your Zoom application.  

January 6, 2025

The minimum Zoom application version has been raised to 6.0.4 for Windows and 6.0.2 for other platforms. Managed devices are updated automatically. Unmanaged (personal) devices may require you to update your Zoom application.  

October 29, 2024

NEW in Zoom: AI Meeting Summaries to Boost Your Productivity - Meeting hosts can now initiate an AI-generated summary through Zoom. Learn more about this new feature.

August 20, 2024

Zoom License Refresh  - All  Students & East Campus faculty/staff will need to sign into Zoom to refresh your license.   West Campus Faculty/Staff are automatically refreshed.


AI Companion for Meeting Summaries

Meeting Summary allows meeting hosts to create an AI-generated summary of their meeting, which can be shared out with participants.

Enable Meeting Summary

Meeting Summary is off by default. To use this feature, first enable it:

  1. In a browser, go to stonybrook.zoom.us
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Select AI Companion
  4. Toggle on Meeting summary with AI Companion
Start a Meeting Summary
  1. Start a Zoom Meeting (in the desktop or Mobile app)
  2. On the in-meeting controls, click AI Companion
  3. The meeting summary will begin generating; participants will see a notification that Meeting Summary is active
  4. Once the meeting ends, the summary will finalize
View Meeting Summaries
  • Once a meeting summary is available, by default the host gets an email with a link to it. Click the link to access the summary
  • OR navigate to a list of *all your current summaries in stonybrook.zoom.us and then Meeting Summary

*Meeting summaries are kept for 30 days.

Share a Meeting Summary

Once a meeting summary is available, by default the host gets an email with a link to it. From the link, the host can Share, Edit, Delete the summary. 

Before, and during a meeting, the host can also change settings so that co-hosts and alternative hosts and/or all guests also get the email about the summary.

Zoom AI is the only approved meeting summary tool

While other third-party meeting summary tools exist (e.g., Read.AI, Otter.AI), DoIT hasn’t vetted these tools, which could expose sensitive institutional information. If you have been using another meeting summary tool, disconnect that tool from your Stony Brook Google account by performing the following:

  1. Go to myaccount.google.com/connections
  2. Select the application (e.g., Read.AI, Otter.AI)
  3. Select Delete All connections you have with...

AI Companion Frequently Asked Questions

You can start and stop the meeting summary tool as needed during the session. If the meeting summary is stopped and started in a meeting, content is combined into one summary at the end of the meeting.

By default, the meeting host will get the initial email with a link to the meeting summary once the meeting ends. The link goes to the Meeting Summary in the web portal, stonybrook.zoom.us, where the host can 

  • Share (with SBU email address and/or meeting guests)
  • Edit 
  • Delete

You can choose to automatically share the meeting summary with co-hosts and alt. hosts or all SBU invitees by changing your settings before the meeting, or by adjusting the settings during your meeting. 

After the meeting, by default only the host will get an email with a link to the summary. In the summary, the host can click to Share it with others from SBU. 

If the meeting had invited guests (i.e., guests in a calendar event with the Zoom), there is a button to add them to the list to share with. The host can remove an invited guest and/or add other SBU email addresses and share with them, too.

Once a meeting summary has been shared with someone, that person will get an email with a link to the summary; they do not get the summary directly in email [only licensed Stony Brook Zoom accounts can access the meeting summary].

Once shared with someone, a meeting summary cannot be unshared, but it can be deleted.

Learn more about Sharing a Zoom Meeting Summary

By default, not automatically.

The host gets an email with a link to the meeting summary. S/he can choose to share it with meeting participants and/or others. 

Alternatively the host can change his/her settings before the meeting so that SBU participants do get the meeting summary automatically. OR, they can change the share settings while in the meeting.  

You can access meeting summaries for meetings you hosted in the last 30 days in the web portal:

  1. In a web browser, go to stonybrook.zoom.us
  2. On the left, click on Meeting Summary
  3. Click on the name of the meeting
  4. The meeting summary opens with Share, Edit, and Delete buttons

Meeting summaries are saved for 30 days.

Zoom does not use any customer audio, video, chat, screen sharing, attachments or other communications-like content (such as poll results, whiteboard and reactions) to train Zoom’s or its third-party AI models.

Prevent and Manage Disruptions in Your Zoom Sessions

Just like in person classes or meetings, Zoom session have their own disruptions.

Familiarize yourself with these Zoom settings in particular to help prevent and manage disruptions:

Get Started

Sign into the Zoom web portal and download, install, and sign into the Zoom App to start.

Install Zoom
  1. Check if your device already has the Zoom App
  2. If not, download and install it
  3. Sign into the Zoom App with SSO (NetID)
Start a Zoom Meeting
  1. The first time you use your Stony Brook Zoom account, go to stonybrook.zoom.us in a browser
  2. Click Sign in, and sign in with SSO (NetID)
  3. In the top right, click Host a Meeting and select from the drop down to start a Zoom now
Audio, Video, & Sharing

Use your device's microphone/headset or a phone or audio

Use your webcam for video (or turn video off)

Share your screen, a whiteboard, or even share content from your iPhone

Meetings up to 1,000

Zoom Meetings* allows for up to 1,000 people at a time for

  • Collaborative meetings where anyone can speak, use video, share their screen
  • Host/co-host presentations for participants that can listen and watch only

*We do not have Zoom Webinars

Get Help

Contact Zoom Support
For general Zoom questions, contact Zoom support
  1. Sign into Zoom at stonybrook.zoom.us
  2. Click the Zoom Support icon in the bottom right corner
  3. Select from the options to get help
Get Training
For Zoom's Learning Center

Check out opportunities to learn more about Zoom directly from Zoom.

Frequently Asked Questions

For More Information Contact

Customer Engagement and Support

Additional Information