SINC Sites

SINC Sites (Students In Need of Computers) are public computer labs/study spaces that allow users to access both Windows & Mac computers. SINC Sites provide printing services, tech support, laptop loaner program, BYOD spaces, and access to numerous academic software titles.

The SINC Site will be Closed March 15th, 16th, 22nd, and 23rd, 2025 for Spring Break.
We will be open Monday through Friday, March 17th to March 21, 2025 10 am to 4:30 pm.

Students in Need of Computing

Did you know that SINC is an acronym for Students In Need of Computers? The name SINC Site was coined years ago when the first lab opened and historically stood for Stony Brook Instructional Network Computers. There are a total of 5 public SINC Sites . Plus, DoIT has PCs, printer/scanner/copiers located in the Main Library SINC Site, Melville Library Reading Rooms and HSC Commons. Also, remote printers can be found all over campus. Review location resource map below. SINC Sites also offer BYOD areas, group & individual study areas.

More computer labs on campus can be found in the Residential Computing Centers, to include software availability 24/7 on your personal device using the Virtual SINC Site. Print from Anywhere services are supported by every DoIT printer.

The LAPTOP LOAN PROGRAM for students, and Tech Center services are now available to all students in the Main Library SINC Site.

Laptop Loaner Program For Students

Do you need to borrow a laptop?

Lab Locations

Frank Melville Jr. Library SINC Site & Tech Station

- The Frank Melville Jr. Library SINC Site has 12 Windows machines & is expecting 8 Macs later this Fall

- All in one printer/scanner/copiers, color & b/w are available

- Tech Station with services available that include walk-up device support, public printing support, and providing information regarding the variety of technology services offered by DoIT. Schedule an appointment for service at a tech station location.

Frank Melville Jr. Library - North Reading Room

- The Frank Melville Jr. North Reading Room has 42 available Windows PC's
- Two all in one printer/scanner/copiers available  (color printing available) supported by DoIT


Frank Melville Jr. Library - Central Reading Room

- The Frank Melville Jr. Central Reading Room has 46 available Windows PC's
- Two all in one printer/scanner/copiers available  (color printing available) supported by DoIT


HSC Coller Computer Lab

- The HSC Coller Computer Lab (room 129),  has 136 available Windows PCs 
- New All in one printer/scanner/copiers available  (color printing available), supported by DoIT
- Computer Classrooms (Reservations Only via 25Live);  Health Science Center rm. 3-139 & Health Science Center rm. 3-149
- HSC schedules reflect only consultant & printer availability - - Not actual hours operation


HSC Library Commons
  • The HSC Commons (room 136),  21 Windows  PC's,  and 3 all in one printer/copier/scanners (color printing available), supported by DoIT
  • Student Consultant available for assistance
  • HSC schedules reflect only consultant availability - - Not actual hours operation
Fine Arts eMedia SINC Site
  • The Fine Arts eMedia SINC Site has DoIT Supported 22 Apple Mac Pros
  • Additional technology includes M-AUDIO Oxygen25 MIDI keyboards, M-AUDIO FireWire Solo Audio Interfaces, Audix OM2 microphones, stereo headphones, Epson scanners with 1 large format scanner, Video Ingest Stations (VHS, S-VHS, Mini-DV, DV, DVCAM), Wacom tablets, a teacher station and data projector 
  • Academic use only
Fine Arts Hybrid SINC Site
  • The Fine Arts Hybrid SINC Site has 21 Apple iMacs
  • Additional technology includes M-AUDIO KeyStudio 49i MIDI keyboards, Korg Kontrol Slim-Line USB controllers, Microphones, stereo headphones, Wacom tablets, Epson scanners, a teacher station and data projector 
  • Pharos printer available
  • Academic use only
Sports Complex SINC Site
  • The Sports Complex SINC Site  has 25 available Windows PCs.
  • There is a Printer/Copier/Scanner Available.
  • Hours of operations correspond with building hours of the Sports Complex.

Virtual SINC Site

The Virtual SINC Site provides a way for students, faculty, and staff members to access site-licensed, academic software titles directly from their personal computers from either on or off campus 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Students can also use the Virtual SINC Site to access the Print From Anywhere service using any device or operating system.


More About the Virtual SINC Site

Lab and Printer Locations

Find the nearest computer lab, SINC Site, Tech Station or Printer/Copier/Scanner.


Student Printing In SINC Sites

All registered Stony Brook students have a semester long quota of ~1500 pages (75 credit) to use for printing in SINC Sites, North Reading Room, Central Reading Room, Health Sciences Library, Residential Computing Centers and Remote Printers. Funding for student printing comes from the Student Technology Fee. Stony Brook uses the Pharos system to manage printing. 

In order to use an all in one printer/scanner/copier, send print jobs to the print queue from a SINC Site computer, or from a personal computer using the Print From Anywhere softwareweb browseror email. Students need their Stony Brook University ID card to release their print jobs.

For instructions on how to use the new printers/scanners/copiers, read or watch the instructions for Black and White printers or Color printers!

Printing quota only gets deducted if you either print or copy. Using the scanning feature will not deduct from your printer quota!

Print From Anywhere Service

The Print From Anywhere service allows students to send print jobs to the SINC Site Print Queue from their own computers. Members of the campus community with an active Pharos account can send their print jobs to the Print From Anywhere Queue from mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) as well as computers via web browser, and email.  When on campus, students can print to the Pharos Printer from their own machine once they install the Print From Anywhere client (software)


Frequently Asked Questions

For More Information Contact

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