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  1. Department shared folders are a secure and convenient way for staff members within a department to share and collaborate on documents and other files.  You can map department shared folders and control who can access them from the Active Directory.

  2. purchasers to compare product details and pricing across suppliers and helps make educated buying decisions. Go to Wolfmart WolfMart Help (631) 632-0025 Business Systems ITSM Quick Link 7962 ...
  3. Stony Brook University uses PeopleSoft as its core administrative system for managing Financial, Human Resources and Student Administration operations.

  4. Every active employee, student, and faculty member is assigned a NetID, which is used to access various computing resources. Use the New Password Reset Tool to Set/Change your NetID Password or find your NetID.

  5. More information about Zoom's Waiting Room. Sign into the Zoom ... This article will show you how to migate that barrier by implementing ... Engagement and Support Customer Engagement and Support Help Portal Not Rated ...
  6. transform how you deliver your course, make grade-keeping and calculating a breeze, and equip you with tools needed to make creative assignments, ...
  7. SB You is a web publishing platform powered by WordPress that lets you quickly create professional-looking websites. Faculty, staff and students can create a single site or as many as they want for a variety of purposes such as course information, team activities or personal blogs and portfolios.

  8. The SBU Faculty Profiles website is available to Stony Brook University faculty across all campuses. The new site is a single place where faculty can update and review their faculty profile. The site acts as the primary repository for several data points and aggregates data from other sources. NetID authentication is required to sign in to update a faculty profile.

  9. Use to properly configure laptop computers, mobile devices and tablets to make for a quicker and easier connection to WolfieNet-Secure.

  10. The WolfieNet-Secure wireless network is one of SBU networks available for connecting via WiFi to many of the SBU Campus resources and internet access.  WolfieNet-Secure is the recommended network for all students, faculty, and staff while on campus.  Use your NetID to gain access to this secure network for your personal mobile devices.



  11. semester, in your course, it should be designed and built in the same manner ... your course, consultation with an instructional design professional from The Faculty Center is as important to the overall success of your course ...
  12. Classroom Technology & Support Solutions provides numerous services to enhance and facilitate classroom instruction. Service counters in the Javits Lecture Center, the Health Sciences Center, and Frey Hall each provide different aspects of support.

  13. Stony Brook University maintains an electronic post office (EPO) for all students, faculty and staff. The EPO is essentially a mail forwarding device that allows everyone at the University to have the same generic email address ( so that no matter what email system Stony Brook may adopt or what domain names change, people will still receive their email.

  14. such as the work-at-home VPN, SOLAR, or Blackboard; or students with computer issues that can ... and Support Customer Engagement and Support Help Portal Hardware ITSM Quick Link ...
  15. ePortfolios, powered by Digication, are a type of digital portfolio utilized by students and faculty to document their professional development and establish a positive online presence. With an ePortfolio, students and faculty can create online archives of their achievements, professional experience, academic work, personal hobbies and more. ePortfolios can be used as an extension of a resume to market yourself to prospective employers.

  16. Google Sites is an online application that makes it easy to host personal websites, especially for people who need quick, up-to-date access, with limited or zero Web development expertise.

  17. Promotes academic integrity by leveraging cutting-edge technology to prevent plagiarism.  Streamlines grading and delivers formative and summative feedback to help students improve their writing.

  18. Google Groups makes it easy for groups of people - such as project teams, departments, or classmates - to communicate and collaborate over topics of common interest.  Request a Google Group for easy group email distribution.

  19. 50 GB file storage accessible in the cloud that you can access and share from any phone, tablet or computer.  OneDrive provides the ability to create, edit and share files without software, just Internet access.   And you can work with other people in realtime on Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote files.  

  20. In an effort to maintain efficiency and reliability of computer equipment at Stony Brook University, DoIT's Customer Engagement and Support department has instituted software support standards.
