Classroom Technology and Support Solutions

This is your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about our general purpose classrooms. Here, you'll find information about:

  • Technology in the classrooms
  • Support sites and contact
  • Equipment check-outs
  • Best Practices & Guides
  • Classroom features
Classroom Technology & Support Solutions
provides numerous services to enhance and facilitate classroom instruction.

With Support Offices located in East and West Campus, we are easily accessible to provide immediate support, phone or in-person, to those in General Purpose Classrooms.

Our offices can also provide equipment to use in the buildings they are located:

  • Frey Hall
  • Javits Lecture Center
  • Health Sciences Center (HSC)

As well as provide equipment to use elsewhere on-campus:

  • Javits Lecture Center

Additional information about these services and locations can be found below. Please take advantage of the links in the banner above to quickly jump to different parts of this page.

Scroll to the end to view information about other departments with which we closely work with.

Classroom Technology Quick Links

Classroom Support Locations

Javits Lecture Center
West Campus
Javits Lecture Center exterior
Health Sciences Center
East Campus
Health Sciences Center (HSC) exterior
Frey Hall
West Campus
Frey Hall exterior
Help and Training

We are always available during our opening hours to provide support in various methods. These are highlighted below. Please refer to our Hours of Operation for when you can expect service.


Visit any one of our Service Counter locations for assistance with presentation media, to schedule a training, or to borrow available portable equipment for your instructional needs!


Call-in to any one of our Service Counter locations for remote assistance with presentation media, to schedule a training, or to request available portable equipment for your instructional needs!


Support Staff can assist on-site with requests for assistance with presentation media, demonstrations for best practices, and classroom technology trainings.

IT Service Portal

Users can report their own issues via the IT Service Portal.

Equipment Reservations

Equipment is available for academic purposes. It can be used in any location on the Stony Brook campus. Please watch the video and read our policy on equipment loans. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at

The equipment we provide is self-service setup and operation. Training can be provided upon request. Device manuals, guides, and technical specs can all be found on the device's page in the Patron Portal.

Please make equipment requests minimally 24 hours in advance of the time you wish to pick up the equipment.

Portable Equipment

Full-time Staff and Faculty can request portable equipment for classroom instructional purposes from our Service Counter located in Javits room 104.

Please follow the link below for information on our equipment reservation policy.

Reservation approval is contingent on device availability, purpose of the equipment request, and location. Classroom Technology & Support Solutions does not provide equipment for off-campus use. 

Please watch this video if this is your first time using the Patron Portal or if you need a refresher.


You can also access an accompanying slide show by clicking here:

Classroom Information

If you would like information about the media system interface in a general purpose classroom, please locate it by area below. The links will provide an overview of the technology to quickly get you started.

Use this link to access an overview of the technology capabilities of each supported classroom.

Information on Classroom Supplies

Supplies such as dry erase board cleaner and paper towels, markers and erasers, chalk and chalk erasers are maintained by Classroom Technology. These are restocked weekly and throughout the semester. However, if you find your room to be lacking in supplies, please let us know! Our contact information is posted at the bottom of this page.

West Campus
Health Sciences Center - East Campus
Media Systems Engineering
Provides "Technical Services" for Stony Brook University


Media Systems Engineering team provides level 2 and 3 technical support of the audio/visual integrated experience in learning spaces across our many campuses.

Retired Services

Follow this link to view information about tools and technology that is no longer supported by Classroom Technology & Support Solutions. This page is regularly updated throughout the year as classroom systems are updated.

Retired Services_edTPA_VHS_VGA

Our Partners

Here are some of the other areas we closely work with at Stony Brook University. 

The dedicated staff in these departments can provide help and information on topics or issues they specialize in.

Graphic of paper cutout of various people

The Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) is dedicated to supporting Stony Brook University faculty with their teaching using inclusive, student-centered, and evidence-based learning and teaching practices. 

Health Sciences Academic Support provides ancillary academic services to the five Health Science Schools of Dental Medicine, Health Professions, Medicine, Nursing and Social Welfare, and the Program in Public Health.

 Academic Technology Support offers services, training, and support for the technologies directly related to teaching and learning. This includes the Learning Management System (currently Brightspace), lecture capture setup and training (ECHO 360), Student Response Systems ("clickers") setup and training, amongst others.

Please Contact

Classroom Technology & Support Solutions

All West Campus, Frey Hall and HSC users can contact us via the following methods. 

(631) 632-9800 (Option 3)

The best way to submit a help request is via our support portal

Submit Help Request