Retired Services and Equipment

This KB Article References: Classroom Technology and Support Solutions
This Information is Intended for: Guests, Instructors, Researchers, Staff
Created: 07/01/2015 Last Updated: 05/07/2024

From time to time, Classroom Technology & Support Solutions will cycle out older format equipment and cease offering services that are inconsistent with the Division of Information Technologies core mission. Please refer back to this article for a listing of services which will no longer be offered by Classroom Technology & Support Solutions, and equipment which will no longer be available for loan.

Please visit any of our Service Counter locations or contact us via the information provided at the bottom of the page.

For the most up-to-date information on what technology is installed in a General Purpose Classroom, please view this spreadsheet.


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3.5mm Auxiliary Audio Ports

Beginning in Fall 2024 (9/1/2024), analog audio connections will no longer be supported and the removal process will begin. The connections will be removed or disabled from media stations and lecterns over time. Any technology replacements or newly created general purpose classroom spaces will not have these installed.  This move is part of our ongoing mission to provide our users with current technologies that can better provide for the teaching and learning experience. HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) digital connections will be fully implemented in every general purpose classroom before this change comes to full effect. These digital connections provide HD video and audio connections in a single convenient port.


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Wired Ethernet Connection Ports: 9/1/2023

As of 9/1/2023, Classroom Technology & Support Solutions will no longer support wired internet connections in all general purpose classrooms. This connection will be removed or rendered inoperable. All general purpose classrooms have wireless internet access (WiFi) using Wolfienet-Secure or Wolfienet-Guest.

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VGA - Analog Connection Ports: 9/1/2023

As of 9/1/2023, Classroom Technology & Support Solutions will no longer support this connection method for Users' devices. Over the academic year we will be removing this connection type in general purpose classrooms where it is currently installed. Beginning Fall 2023 we will not be installing this connection type in new installations or in rooms scheduled for a technology refresh. For those that this change impacts we can provide a powered converter for daily loan from our office in Javits Lecture Center room 104. We do not provide adapters. As an alternative, in rooms that support it, wireless presentation (currently Solstice) can be used. Additionally, use of the classroom computer is another option.


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VHS Tape Playback Devices: 5/31/2023

As of 5/31/2023, Classroom Technology & Support Solutions will no longer support devices that play VHS cassette tapes. For assistance with finding your material in other formats, refer to the University Libraries ( Additionally, services can be searched for online by searching "convert my VHS tape". These online services will convert your cassette tape into alternative formats such as DVD, CD, USB thumb drive, or store online using a Cloud service.


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Teacher Candidate edTPA Support Services: 5/20/2022

As of 5/20/2022, Classroom Technology Support & Solutions will no longer support teacher candidates' edTPA video recording requirements through Audio Visual Services. Daily video recording device reservations are still a service that is provided for the duration of your class or for your presentation needs for a business day. 

Please note that requests for equipment must be performed on a per-class basis (picked up before the class start time, and returned after the class end time).



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Faculty Long Term Laptop Loan program: 8/23/2021

As of 8/23/2021, Classroom Technology Support & Solutions will no longer offer the Faculty Long Term Laptop Loan program. Daily laptop loans are still a service that is provided, for the duration of your class, or for your presentation needs for a business day.



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 Faculty Long Term Webcam Loan program: 8/23/2021 

As of 8/23/2021, Classroom Technology Support & Solutions will no longer offer the Faculty Long Term Webcam Loan program. Daily web and conferencing camera loans are still a service that is provided, for the duration of your class, or for your presentation needs for a business day.



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Mac OS on Installed Classroom Computers: 8/24/2020

As a part of DoIT's ongoing evaluation and improvement of classroom experiences, we will begin moving classroom computers to a Windows-only environment as of Fall 2020. Mac Users  will need to bring your own device OR borrow a Macbook for the class period from the Classroom Technology Support office.

Please note requests for equipment must be performed on a per-class basis (picked up before the class start time, and returned after the class end time).


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Adapter Support: 8/18/2017

As of 8/18/2017, loan of display adapters will no longer be supported.  For users bringing their own device, best practice would be to preemptively obtain a display adapter for any device that has a mini or micro connector.  Starting 8/21/2017, wireless display devices may be borrowed from any Classroom Technology Support office (Frey & HSC in-building only).


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Overhead (Transparency) Projectors: 5/20/2016

As of 5/20/2016, Classroom Technology Support will no longer place Overhead (transparency) Projectors in classrooms. Beginning 5/23/2016 (the start of the 2016 Academic Year), faculty may instead request portable overhead projectors or digital projection visualizers, such as document cameras, to use with transparency slides. Portable Overhead Projectors may be requested from the JLC - West Campus Support Site, while visualizers may be requested from the Service Counter location supporting the specific classroom the equipment will be utilized in. Classroom Technology Support & Solutions recommends faculty consult with the TLT Teaching Learning Lab for help with converting existing transparency slides into a digital format so they are both portable and easily presented in all technology equipped classrooms.
Please note requests for equipment must be performed on a per-class basis (picked up before the class start time, and returned after the class end time).



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Optical Disc & Flash Media Duplication: 12/31/2015

As of 12/31/2015, Classroom Technology Support & Solutions will no longer provide Optical Disc (CD, DVD) and Flash Media (USB) duplications. Beginning 1/1/2016, users requesting duplication services will be directed to University supported streaming and digital file-sharing services. 

Supported By

Classroom Technology & Support Solutions West Campus