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  1. to  in a browser, clicking  Sign In, and signing in with your ...
  2. Under Screen Sharing, Who can share? and What can start sharing when ...
  3. Deleted Zoom cloud recordings stay in Zoom Trash for 30 days after deletion. You can recover (undelete) them during those 30 days.

  4. You can be signed in to Zoom on one computer, one tablet, and one phone at a time. If you sign into an additional device while logged into another device of the same type, you will be logged out automatically on the first device. You can force sign out of all devices and then sign in to only the device(s) you want to use.

  5. By default, participants can't copy text from chat in Zoom. However, as host, you can adjust your Zoom settings to allow participants to save chat, which will allow them to copy from chat, too.

  6. to go to the Zoom Web Portal (  This article ... and enter stonybrook for the domain). Ensure that "LICENSED" is next ...
  7. While in a Zoom Meeting, the host can check the settings for the meeting, to see whether "only authenticated users can join" is Enabled, for example. 

  8. Zoom cloud recordings older than 180 days are automatically deleted and sent to a trash folder. This action will be on a rolling basis and recordings will be removed after they pass the 180 day mark. If you wish to keep your recordings, instructions are provided below.

  9. 2. Ensure that you've turned off participants video ...
    • The HSC Commons (room 136),  21 Windows  PC's,  and 3 all in one printer/copier/scanners (color printing available), supported by DoIT
    • Student Consultant available for assistance
    • HSC schedules reflect only consultant availability - - Not actual hours operation
  10. Open Monday-Friday, 10AM-2PM and 4PM-8PM
