Google Contacts

Google Contacts stores and organizes contact information for those you communicate with and the Stony Brook Directory. Contacts can contain basic information-like names, email addresses, and phone numbers-or extended information, like physical addresses, employers, departments, job titles, or custom notes.


Store and Organize

Store names, email addresses, phone numbers, department, and more. Then, organize with labels and use search to find what you need.

Use Throughout Google

Contacts works with your other Google apps (Google Mail, Chat) so that you can send email from Contacts or even see recent interactions for someone in Contacts.

Get Started

Sign In

Sign in with your email address and your NetID password at, or access it from other Google apps by clicking on the grid icon in the top right corner and selecting Contacts

Add Contacts

From Contacts, click + Create contact near the top left; then fill out information for that contact. Learn more about creating, editing, and removing contacts.

Use Your Contacts

Google Contacts syncs with your other Google applications and suggests contacts. For example, when you start typing in the "To" field in an email, a list of suggested email addresses from Google Contacts will appear.

Learn More

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