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The page you requested does not exist. For your convenience, a search was performed using the query forms request to install software in a sinc site.

The page you are attempting to visit cannot be found. We are sorry for this inconvenience, however the following search results may be relevant.

Search results

  1. #SBATCH--ntasks-per-node=28 #SBATCH--nodes=2 #SBATCH--time=05:00 indicate that we are requesting ...
  2. been completed: To request recruiter review of your mid-search, submit ...
  3. As of October 2022, different sets of SeaWulf login nodes will provide access to different compute nodes. This article will explain how to choose which login nodes to access when submitting your Slurm jobs.

  4. Supported By IACS Support System Request Access or Report an Issue Not Rated ...
  5. Analysis The page that opens will list what vendors detected this site ...
  6. 200 days after you leave Stony Brook University, your NetID will be deactivated.  At that time, you will lose access to anything that requires your NetID, including Google Apps for Education.  If you’d like to take all of your data (Mail, Drive, Calendar, etc.) with you, you can create an archive.

  7. Stay up-to-date and cyber-aware!

  8. SeaWulf is a computational cluster using top of the line components from Penguin, DDN, Intel, Nvidia, Mellanox and numerous other technology partners.  Its name is a portmanteau of "Seawolf" and "Beowulf," the name of one of the first high performance computing clusters.

  9. LAMMPS stands for Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. It's a classical molecular dynamics (MD) code. As the name implies, it's designed to run well on parallel machines, but it also runs fine on single-processor desktop machines.

  10. If you have a Stony Brook email address, this also gives you access to a Google Drive account with virtually unlimited storage (the only restriction is that no single file can exceed 5 TB).  This article will explain how to backup your data on SeaWulf to Google Drive using rclone

  11. things to do: 1) Since you no longer have the option or ability in SOLAR ...
  12. Slurm is an open source workload manager and job scheduler that is now used for all SeaWulf queues in place of PBS Torque/Maui.  This FAQ will explain how to use Slurm to submit jobs.  This FAQ utilizes information from several web resources.  Please see here and here for additional documentation.  

  13. Stony Brook's Division of Information Technology (DoIT) moved all Blackboard course content (and Communities/Orgs that were requested) from Fall 2021 - Spring 2023  into Brightspace as repositories.  This page explains how you can reuse the content that was migrated.

  14. this: Save the file as a.csv file Create a help ticket requesting we ...
