How to use LAMMPS on Seawulf

LAMMPS stands for Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator. It's a classical molecular dynamics (MD) code. As the name implies, it's designed to run well on parallel machines, but it also runs fine on single-processor desktop machines.

This KB Article References: High Performance Computing
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff
Created: 04/28/2017 Last Updated: 05/15/2024

Current Version

There are currently three versions of LAMMPS available on Seawulf, gcc Intel builds, and a GPU-optimized gcc build.

The MPI enabled builds are LAMMPS versions 23Mar2023 and 2Aug2023, and include the following packages:








The GPU optimized build are LAMMPS versions 3Mar20 and 2Aug2023 and includes all of the previous packages with the addition of open-mp, gpu, and kokkos.

For more information these packages see:

The table below displays the latest version of LAMMPS and the associated hardware available for each version: 

AMD Milan 96-core nodeslammps/intel/2023.1/2Aug2023
Intel Skylake 40-core nodeslammps/intel/2023.1/2Aug2023
Intel Sapphire Rapids 96-core nodeslammps/intel/2023.1/2Aug2023
Nvidia A100 gpu nodeslammps/a100-gpu/2Aug2023
All other GPU Nodes including P100 and V100lammps/gpu/3Mar20
Intel Haswell 28-core nodeslammps/intel/2022.2/23Mar2023



The current version of LAMMPS is available using both the Intel and GNU toolchains. Both versions are accessible through modulefiles; lammps/gcc12.1/mvapich2/03Aug2022 or lammps/intel/2022.1/2Aug2023

As usual, we recommend the use of the Intel compiled versions unless your workflow demands otherwise.

To access LAMMPS load the appropriate modulefile:

module load lammps/intel/2022.2/03Aug2022


module load lammps/gcc12.1/mvapich2/03Aug2022

Loading either of these modules also loads the appropriate implementation of MPI

Using GPU Accelerated LAMMPS

GPU accelerated lammps is only available using the GNU toolchain. This can be accessed through the lammps/gpu/11Aug17 module. 

module load lammps/gpu/11Aug17

Open-mp threading can further be requested through setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable to the desired number of threads, for example 2:



LAMMPS Examples

Parallel LAMMPS

Once you have loaded one of these modules, the lammps binary will be available in your path as either: lmp_mvapich2 or lmp_intel

An example job script and basic input files are available in the LAMMPS_EXAMPLES directory.

The existing script files in the lammps_example directory are .pbs files, so you may need to convert the Torque instructions from #PBS to #SBATCH for Slurm. To test this workflow:

module load slurm
module load lammps/intel/2022.2/03Aug2022


mkdir -p $HOME/lammps_example 

cp * $HOME/lammps_example && cd $_

sbatch lammps_intel.slurm

This should produce the following files:

dump.melt.gz, log.lammps, and my_test.o* 



The following script can be used as a template for LAMMPS GPU submission:


#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=28
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --job-name=my_test
#SBATCH -p gpu

mkdir $HOME/lammps/gpu_test
cd $_

module load mvapich2/gcc/64/2.2rc1
module load lammps/gpu/3Mar20

cp $LAMMPS_EXAMPLES/in.melt .


mpirun -np 28 lmp_gpu -sf gpu -pk gpu 8 < in.melt 2> out.txt 1> err.txt

The variables OMP_NUM_THREADS and -pk gpu # can be varied to suit your needs.

Visualizing the Results

Several tools exist for visualizing the results of the above calculation. However, for quick visualizations on the cluster, we recommend an application such as OVITO:

The output file from the above calculation, dump.melt.gz, can be visualized by first loading the ovito module, then calling ovito:

module load ovito/2.8.2
ovito dump.melt.gz

To view successive iterations as an animation check the "File contains time series" box


Which should produce the following:

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