Processing Non-Employees into PeopleSoft (for an ID Card, Email Address and/or Library Access)

This KB Article References: PeopleSoft
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff
Created: 08/01/2012 Last Updated: 04/10/2024


About Non-Employees

Non-Employees are affiliates of the University. They can be contractors, caterers, volunteers, temporary visitors, interfaith, someone from Brookhaven National Lab, etc. 

Non-Employees are entered into PeopleSoft so that they can be assigned an Empl ID and a Campus Affiliation. Once they are entered into PeopleSoft, they can be issued a Campus ID Card and email address and have access to the library and buildings as necessary.

What Non-Employees Are Not

  • New employees who will be on State or Research Foundation payroll are not non-employees; they should be entered into Pre-Employment
  • Current employees and students are not processed as non-employees even if they will be volunteering in Long Island State Veterans Home (LISVH), for example, as they can only have one status in PeopleSoft*

Which Non-Employees Do I Need To Add As New Non-Employees?

Only add new non-employees that do not already exist in the database. That is, terminated or retired employees, former students, etc. still have Empl IDs and their data is still in PeopleSoft. If they are returning to campus as a non-employee, do not add them to the database again; simply update their existing information to include the Non-employee Info and Office Address information.

Tip: To help determine if the people you want to enter are already in PeopleSoft, ask them if they ever did anything with/at Stony Brook University.

Adding or Updating Data for Non-Employees

Follow these steps to add or update data for non-employees:

  1. Determine if the non-employee already exists in PeopleSoft using Search/Match
  2. If you find the person in Search/Match, update the existing data for the non-employee
  3. If you did not find the person in Search/Match, add the new non-employee and data
    1. Before adding a new international non-employee, please call Visa and Immigration (632-1809) for instructions

*Current faculty, staff, and students can request a volunteer badge by emailing

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