Updating Data for a Non-Employee Already in PeopleSoft
About Updating Non-employee Data
When updating new Non-employees in PeopleSoft, there are several steps. If you've used Search/Match to determine that the non-employee already exists in PeopleSoft, update the non-employee data as described here. (If the non-employee isn't already in PeopleSoft, newly add the employee and data.)
Finding Update Non-Employee in Peoplesoft
From within PeopleSoft, click on Main Menu > SBU > SBU Campus Community > Use > Non-Employee Data
Updating Non-employee Data
To update an existing non-employee’s information, rather than replacing existing data, you must add a new row with the new data so that the history is intact and can be tracked by Effective Date. Before you can update any data, first find the person.
- In the Find an Existing Value tab of Modify Non-Employee, paste or type the person's Stony Brook ID (from Search/Match) into the Empl ID field
note: this search is not the same as Search/Match; if you forgot to check for the non-employee in Search/Match, go to Search/Match and do that now. - Click Search
- Sometimes the message "No matching values were found" appears even when you found the person/ID in PeopleSoft using Search/Match. If this happens
- Click the Add a New Value tab
- Enter the person's Stony Brook ID (from Search/Match) into the Empl ID field and click Add
- In the Search Results, click on the person's Empl ID
Biographical Details-Update Name
- To update an existing non-employee's name, click the
add a new row button to the right of the Effective Date field for name. Today's date will be inserted in the Effect Date fields for the new row.
- Click the Edit Name link
- Change the name and click OK
- Click Save and notice (just above the
) that a new row (e.g., 1 of 2) has been added with the newly added information being in row 1
Biographical Details-Add Social Security Number*
*To add a social security number for a non-employee who previously only had a USB number
- In the Biographical Details tab, leave the USB number in the Campus ID field
- In the National ID field, enter the social security number
Contact Information-Update Address
- Click the Contact Information tab
- The Address Type (e.g., Home) shows at the top left. To update that address, click the add a new row button
to the far right of Effective Date in the Address History section. Today’s date will be inserted in the Effective Date field of the new row (do not use the add a new row button
in the Address Type section unless you want to add a new address type rather than a new home address).
- Click Edit Address
- Change the address and click OK
- Click Save and notice that a new row has been added with the newly added information
Non-Employee Info
Update information specific to non-employees in the Non-Employee Info tab. Those with previous non-employee status will have information on this page. Those new as non-employees will not.
- Click the Non-Employee Info tab
- If information already exists on the page (from prior affiliations with the university)
- You must update the information in a new row. Do so by clicking the
add a new row button to add a new row where you will add the below information. The new row allows the change to be tracked by Effective Date
- You must update the information in a new row. Do so by clicking the
- If no information exists on the page
- Do not add a new row; just complete the information as specified below
- Complete the following (note: grayed-out fields default to the values specified):
- Action Dt defaults to today’s date.
- For Begin Dt, enter the date the person will begin working/ volunteering
- For Eff Date, enter the date that the information you are entering on this page becomes effective
- For Expected End Dt, enter the date that the person will stop working/ volunteering. This field is important even if the date is just an estimate.
- Actual End Dt is not required
- For Status select Active
- For Title, select a title from the list of values provided in the Lookup table
- For Employer, select who the person is affiliated with/working for (i.e., the non- Stony Brook University organization)
- For Dept, enter the Department ID (the main state budget account number (8 digits long) of the department where the person will be working/volunteering. If you do not know the Department ID, click the magnifying glass button and search for the department by name.)
- For Category, click the magnifying glass button to select a category, if applicable (categories are rarely used—primarily for non-salaried Faculty).
If you do not see an appropriate Employer, Title, or Category, please contact the Campus ID Card Office at 2-1081 and ask for one to be added. - Fac/Staff will automatically be checked if the title assigned is allocated a Fac/Staff ID Card/Badge.
- For Email, check the box if this person needs an email account (the email account will be active until the Expected End Date indicated on this Non-Employee Info page). Also, the following information must be completed:
- Social Security Number (found in the Biographical Details tab)
- Office Address with zip+4 (found in Office Address tab)
- Expected End Date (found in this tab, Non-Employee Info)
- For Library, check the box if this person needs Library access (the non-employee must go to the library and follow the normal campus procedure for opening an account. Access to the library lasts until the Expected End Date indicated on this Non-Empoyee Info page). Also, the following information must be completed:
- Home Address (found in the Contact Information tab) must be local; for those with foreign addresses, enter office address for Home, and then add another row and the international address as a mailing address
- Department ID (found in this tab, Non-Employee Info)
- Expected End Date (found in this tab, Non-Employee Info)
- Terminated Employee, Retired Employee, or Faculty Emeritus will be automatically checked as applicable
Office Address
To add/update the information on the Office Address page, simply replace the old information with the new. It is not necessary to add a new row because this information is not Effective-dated.
- Click the Office Address tab
- Make any changes as needed
- Click the tabs to go back through each page and review the information that you entered for accuracy
- Click the Save button
Learn More
Watch this video for more