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Search results

  1. Stony Brook's Data Network Services and IT Security teams added additional security to the campus network during the summer of 2010. A network name server was implemented to check the URLs of websites that users on campus visit against a list of known distributors of malware. Instead of visiting a site that is known to be a distributor of malware, the Web browser is redirected to a malware shield (Web page) which advises users why the site they are trying to reach may have been flagged as being potentially harmful.

  2. SPSS is a statistical and data mining software package that allows you to analyze research data to make smarter decisions, solve problems and improve outcomes.

  3. Stony Brook University offers researchers several different options depending on needs.

  4. Classroom Technology & Support Solutions provides numerous services to enhance and facilitate classroom instruction. Service counters in the Javits Lecture Center, the Health Sciences Center, and Frey Hall each provide different aspects of support.

  5. Yammer is Stony Brook's internal social network. It is an online environment for discussion and conversation. It can help you get work done and support teamwork and collaboration across the institution.

  6. For the fastest response, log in to the Service Portal with your NetID and password to report issues or make requests for IT services.
    The DoIT Service Desk will be prioritizing answering help tickets submitted through the Service Portal.


  7. The Web Services team in the Office of Marketing and Communications provides training and support for the OU Campus Content Management System. A series of responsive page templates branded in the Stony Brook look and feel have been designed to give non-technical administrative personnel the ability to quickly update content without having to be a graphic designer or programmer. 

  8. Kace allows users to install pre-approved software packages on their Stony Brook managed Windows computers at their convenience.

  9. SB You is a web publishing platform powered by WordPress that lets you quickly create professional-looking websites. Faculty, staff and students can create a single site or as many as they want for a variety of purposes such as course information, team activities or personal blogs and portfolios.

  10. Maple is a sophisticated program for solving mathematical problems symbolically as well as numerically.

  11. the WolfieNet-Get-Connected site when first trying to make a wireless connection in order ... Network (Wired) Students Wired connections are faster, more secure, ... come to expect reliable wireless service since many have their own ...
  12. Stony Brook University maintains an electronic post office (EPO) for all students, faculty and staff. The EPO is essentially a mail forwarding device that allows everyone at the University to have the same generic email address ( so that no matter what email system Stony Brook may adopt or what domain names change, people will still receive their email.

  13. The Talent Management System is used for hiring at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook Medicine, and Long Island State Veterans Home.

  14. Stony Brook Google Mail and import it into Apple Mail. This is helpful ... imported into Apple Mail, you can transfer the imported files to another account in Apple Mail. Note:  If you have 2-step authentication set up ...
  15. If you are unable to access Google Apps from locations where Google is blocked or restricted, try accessing Google Apps through the Virtual SINC Site.

  16. Customer Engagement & Support to help you find the perfect option. Recommendations and support for West Campus. Dell Desktops Apple Desktops Laptops ... id sit ridiculus a dui semper et massa non. Apple Desktops 21.5-inch ...
  17. Hexagon (HxGN) EAM, (formerly known as Infor EAM) is an Enterprise Asset Management system currently being utilized by Facilities and Services, Environmental Health and Safety and Campus Residences.

  18. Network Services provides the cabling infrastructure for the University which serves all voice, data, and television needs. This includes indoor station cabling (jacks) and outdoor, underground feeds.

    All requests for cabling services can be requested by clicking here: Cabling and Jack Requests

  19. In an effort to maintain efficiency and reliability amongst computing equipment on the Stony Brook University Campus, the Division of Information Technology's Customer Engagement and Support department has instituted Hardware Support Standards.

  20. WolfieNet-Guest is  to be used by visitors of the University's West Campus to attend conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.
