Linking a Brightspace Exam / Quiz to Grades

This KB Article References: Brightspace for Instructors
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff
Created: 01/17/2023 Last Updated: 05/06/2024

You need to manually link a Brightspace Exam / Quiz to Grades either by linking it to an existing grade item or by creating a new one.

You can tell if a quiz is linked to grades directly from Exams / Quizzes. You can also tell if a Grade Item is linked to a quiz from Grades.

If you would like to learn how to publish your students' exam/quiz attempts, check out this article.

Link an Exam / Quiz to a Grade Item

Creating a Grade Item 

  1. When creating or editing your exam/quiz, find the Grade Out Of area
  2. Select the Not in Grade Book button and choose Edit or Link to Existing (You can also choose Add to Grade Book, however if you do this, it will add the exam/quiz to Grades uncategorized)
    Image of the Not in Grade Book button selected with the Edit or Link to Existing option highlighted
  3. If you would like to add your grade item to a category, select the Choose Grade Category button
    Image of the Choose Grade Category button
  4. Select the Category from the drop down selector
    Image of the category drop down selector
  5. Select OK
  6. Type the amount of points this will be graded out of in the Grade Out Of area
    Image of points typed in the Grade Out of Field
  7. Select Save and Close

Linking to an Existing Grade Item 

  1. When creating or editing your exam/quiz, find the Grade Out Of area
  2. Select the Not in Grade Book button and choose Edit or Link to Existing
    Image of the Not in Grade Book button selected with the Edit or Link to Existing option highlighted
  3. Select the option labeled Link to an existing grade item
  4. In the drop down selector, choose the grade item to link this to
    Image of the link to an existing grade item option enabled with the drop down selector showing grade items to link to
  5. Select OK
  6. By default, the amount of points the grade item was originally worth will populate in the Grade Out Of field, this can be overridden
    Image of points typed in the Grade Out of Field
  7. Select Save and Close

How To Know if a Quiz is Linked to Grades (from the Exam / Quizzes tool)

  1. Back in the list of Exams / Quizzes, you'll know a quiz is linked to Grades when it shows a ribbon next to the name
  2. If you see the linked to grade item ribbon but the results still don't show up in Grades, make sure to check ☑︎ ​​​​Automatically update evaluations in grade book when published in the Assessment tab

How To Know if a Grade Item is Linked to/Associated with a Quiz (from Grades)

  1. In Grades, you'll know a grade item is linked to an Exam / Quiz from the Association column: Any grade item linked to an Exam / Quiz will show Quizzes ? in the Association column. Click the to see which quiz the grade item is linked to:

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Phone: 1-844-673-6786
Academic Technology Services

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