Cyber Threat Alert: Job Opportunity Scams


As the saying goes, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Please proceed with caution if you receive an email about a job opportunity that pays unusually well and requires no qualifications. The latest variation of this is an email claiming to provide information on a remote job opportunity with benefits. See the sample text below:


****Scam Email Sample Begin**** 

Subject Line Example: (Remote) Student Assistant Position.


Dear Students,

Please see the attached flyer for a great student assistant job opportunity.

****Scam Flyer Sample**** 

Have a wonderful week ahead

****Scam Email Sample End***


What can you do about it if you receive one of these emails?

  1. Always verify that an email is legitimate prior to clicking on a link or opening an attachment by reviewing any potential red flags or checking directly with the sender through previously established communication channels. Forward suspicious emails to
  2. Flag the message as phishing. The method for doing so varies slightly depending upon what email system you are on. If using Google, it’s as easy as pressing the three dots next to the reply button and choosing “Report Phishing.” 


If you fall victim to one of these scams, immediately contact your financial institution and report the scam to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3). If you logged in to a fraudulent website with your campus account, change your NetID password and open a ticket for further assistance via


Multiple Universities have been targeted in this way of late, including Stony Brook University. Even if it comes from an address that appears to be from a Stony Brook sender or is posted on a well-known job website, it could be fraudulent. You can read more about this type of scam here. If you reply, the conversation often transitions from email to text and involves sending your bank account information or depositing a fraudulent check.


Thank you for your diligence and attention to this matter.

Matt Nappi

Chief Information Security Officer

Assistant Vice President

For More Information Contact

Information Security Team