Submitting an Incident in the IT Service Portal

This KB Article References: IT Service Portal
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 06/09/2015 Last Updated: 04/08/2024

To submit an incident to the IT Service Portal follow this quick start, the more detailed directions below, or this quick video.

Quick Start

  1. Log into with your NetID and NetID password
  2. Choose a Service Catalog item
  3. Fill out the form that opens, and then click Submit
  4. Click My Open DoIT Tickets to view status

Detailed Directions

  1. Log into with your NetID and NetID password
  2. Click Browse Entire Catalog near the top left
  3. In the search box toward the right, enter in the service or issue you are having (e.g., Google Drive) and then click the magnifying glass icon to search.
    searching service catalog for GOogle Drive
  4. Click to select the most appropriate option from the results, e.g., Report an Issue. (Do select the most appropriate Service Catalog item to more quickly route your issue to the correct support team)
    search results in cherwell self service portal for Google Drive search
  5. A form will open; fill out the required information (options vary depending on the item you chose in step 4):
    1. For Location
      1. Enter a search term (e.g., a room number or building name; for partial words, use wildcard %, e.g., admin% for administration;) and then click the blue curved arrow button "go to related item"button or hit tab tab on your keyboard
      2. If there is only one matching result, it will populate and you'll see the full location name in and/or below the Location field. Otherwise, the location search will open; click to select an option and the full location will populate
        incident details in cherwell web portal filled in for Google drive help
  6. Click Submit, and the ticket is created and routed to the team responsible for the service type you submitted (if the Submit button isn't clickable, go back to make sure you filled in all the fields correctly)
  7. Click My Open DoIT Tickets to view ticket status

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Customer Engagement and Support

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