Exporting/Importing Brightspace Grades for Offline Work

You can export Brightspace grades to work on them offline and them import them again.

This KB Article References: Brightspace, Brightspace for Instructors
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff
Created: 06/02/2022 Last Updated: 04/11/2024
Please note! If you have a higher than average classlist (1000+ students) with several grade items created, it may take several hours to export your grades into a spreadsheet. If you do have a higher than average classlist, it is recommended to export/import individual grade items instead of the entire gradebook at once. 











You can export Brightspace grades to work on them offline and them import them again. 

Helpful Tips!

  1. We recommend having your grade items created in Brightspace BEFORE you export your grades, instead of manually creating the grade items in a spreadsheet. When grade items are created in a spreadsheet, they have to be manually formatted in a very particular way in order for them to be successfully uploaded to Grades. Creating grade items beforehand will allow them to be formatted correctly when exported. 


  1. It is not currently recommended to select "Export To Excel" when exporting.  Instead it is recommended that you select "Export to CSV". 


Image of the export to CSV option which is recommended, and the export to excel option which is not recommended.


If a file is exported using the "Export To Excel" option, then a user will receive an error notice when they are attempting to import the file into Grades. 



Supported By

Academic Technology Services
Brightspace Support via SUNY Helpdesk
Phone: 1-844-673-6786

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