NYSERNet and Internet2

Stony Brook offers researchers high-capacity, high-speed connections to the Internet as a member of NYSERNet and Internet2.

What is NYSERNet and Internet2?

100Gbps Connection

Stony Brook currently has a 100Gbps connection to the NYSERNet Research and Engineering network through which it also connects to Internet2. NYSERNet operates a multiplexed network across the state interconnecting all of the major research Universities in New York. 

Participating Members

Stony Brook is a Level 1 Internet2 higher education member eligible to take advantage of the high speed Internet2 network.


Anyone at the University who tries to connect to a fellow Internet2 member's website or Internet application from either the wired or wireless network on West Campus, East Campus, or Southampton Campus will automatically be routed through the specialized, high-capacity, high-speed Internet2 network (as long as the fellow Internet2 member has permitted access on the other end).

If a researcher is having trouble with data transfer speeds or runs into time-sensitivity issues, they can create a ticket with Customer Engagement and Support (see the contact below), who will then escalate the call to Stony Brook's Data Network Services team to investigate further.

For More Information Contact

Customer Engagement and Support