Yammer Usage Policy

This KB Article References: Yammer
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 04/01/2016 Last Updated: 12/12/2023

Stony Brook University Yammer Network Policies and Guidelines

Welcome to the Stony Brook University Yammer Network. The goal of this network is to provide a collaborative environment to connect with people from across the University community and share meaningful information. Our Yammer network is open to all current Stony Brook faculty, staff, and students. We encourage you to use this community to help with your work, develop working relationships, connect with like-minded colleagues, and reach out for help when you need it. We ask that you remain respectful and follow some simple guidelines.

Guidelines for All Participants

  1. Accountability: Take responsibility for your postings, clearly differentiating opinions from fact. By posting content, you agree that you are solely responsible for the content you create. Neither the content you post, nor the links to other websites are screened, approved, reviewed or endorsed by Stony Brook University.
  1. Accuracy and Transparency: The text and other material posted are the opinion of the specific author and are not statements of advice or information of Stony Brook University. Use your real name and a real photograph of you in your profile so it is easier to know who you are.
  1. Common Courtesy: Don’t do anything that will reflect negatively on you or your colleagues.
  1. Policy: By joining the Stony Brook Yammer network, you are agreeing to abide by Stony Brook policy for the Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources Policy. Violation of the policy may result in suspension of network access or other information service privileges, disciplinary action, and legal proceedings.
  1. Be Social: Try to engage the network in productive discourse and work to follow the Stony Brook social media guidelines at http://mobile.cc.stonybrook.edu/sb/social/guidelines/


  • Yammer isn’t a record-keeping system and shouldn’t be used as such. As soon as postings on Yammer become something that needs to be formally recorded (e.g. discussion leading to a business decision), then additional records must be created and stored outside of Yammer. It is important that staff create full and accurate records which adequately document business activities, significant events, decisions and the basis for making those decisions.
  • Yammer is hosted on a multi-tenanted public cloud storage facility, located in the United States. Therefore, do not use Yammer to share confidential, personal or commercial information about Stony Brook, its students, its alumni or staff.

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