Viewing Status of Employees, Students, and Volunteers in All Departments in PeopleSoft

This KB Article References: PeopleSoft
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff
Created: 05/28/2014 Last Updated: 04/08/2024

Certain HR users have access to the Current Employee/Student Info page so that they can check a person’s status at the University. This page provides limited information about employees, students, and volunteers.

Finding the Current Employee/Student Info page in PeopleSoft

From within PeopleSoft, click on Main Menu > SBU > SBU Campus Community > Inquire > Current Employee/Student Info

Searching for a Person

  1. In the ID field, enter the person's Stony Brook ID number
    • If you do not know the ID number, enter the Social Security Number in the National ID field and/or the Last Name and First Name
  2. Click Search
  3. Once you find the person in search, his/her Su Job Curr Pg tab will display 

Understanding Results

The Su Job Curr Pg tab shows two tables: Employee Data and Student Data. Data will display in the Employee Data section for employees; for students, in the Student Data section (it is possible for someone to have data in both sections)

  1. Employee Data

    1. EMP (near the top of the Su Job Curr Pg tab) indicates the person is an employee
    2. Empl Status indicates Active, Retired, On Leave, or Terminated
    3. Empl Rcd# indicates State (0) or RF (9)
    4. Department indicates current department as of the Eff Date (effective date) listed in the table
      su job curr pg tab with employee and student sections highlighted. Also highlighted are eff date, emp, empl status, empl rcd#, and department
  2. Student Data

    1. If a student is working as a Student Assistant on campus they will have data under both Employee Data and Student Data. The Job Title in the Employee Data section will display Student Assistant.
    2. Those who are only students will display Student Data, but the Employee Data section will not have data
      Su Job Curr Pg table with employee data empty and student data populated (as the tab would look for someone who is only a student)
  3. Volunteer/Affiliate Status

    1. Click on the Volunteer Info tab to view volunteer information
    2. Volunteer Info shows the department the volenteer works in and his/her Expected End Date*
      *Note: Anyone who is not an employee or a student but needs an ID Card must be entered into PeopleSoft as a non-employee. This includes temp workers and other contract workers, volunteers, visiting professors, etc. 
      Volunteer Info tab showing dept and expected end date

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