Retrieving a document on OnBase

This KB Article References: OnBase
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff
Created: 10/09/2019 Last Updated: 04/08/2024

You can find documents that you have access to, by Document Type, Date Range and then Keyword.

  1. On the Home tab, click on Retrieval
  2. Search for a document type. 
    • You can choose a group and then a type or scroll through the Document Types to find it.
    • And then enter a date range or a Keyword.
      You can update your default date range in the File Menu > User Options.  See:  Updating Date Range Options when Retrieving in OnBase​​​​​​​

      You can use * as a wildcard character in the Keyword fields:
      For example:  G* will search for all last names starting with G.
  3. Your search results will appear in the Search Results pane:
  4. Double-click your selection to open the document in a separate window:

    Alternatively, you can click on Document Viewer and to open and edit the document inside the present window

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