OnBase Point of Contact (POC)
Effective communication between the functional office (office requesting the service) and Information Technology (office assisting in the setup) is key to a successful implementation of OnBase. To facilitate the communication of important issues such as project requirements, authoritative decisions and various other matters, the functional office needs to appoint a Point of Contact from their office.
The OnBase Point of Contact (POC) is the primary person from the functional office that will work with technical staff relating to OnBase. This person will represent the functional office on all matters relating to this OnBase. The POC will be considered the authoritative contact for OnBase user authorization and department / office system requests.
A list of current OnBase Department POCs is available in the following link. If a POC is not listed for your department, or you need to determine how to obtain access to roles or specified documents in OnBase, you may open a ticket with Client Support for assistance at https://service.stonybrook.edu
The Point of Contact's responsibilities include the following:
Daily Operations
Request user activation/deactivation
Request document type creation
Request role creation (including related security and queries)
Request reports (for InfoView)
Request feature enhancements (a fee may be required)
Opening support tickets with Support (x2-9800) for computer issues
Advise staff of departmental procedures and scanner configuration preferences (e.g. 200 DPI , B&W, etc.) as it pertains to OnBase.
Manage equipment repair and scheduling of preventative maintenance (e.g. replace rollers, clean glass, etc.)
NOTE: Points of Contact can also act as sub-admins which will give them the ability to directly add/remove users from existing department roles.
Implementation/Feature Enhancements
Validate and test data/functionality (including system upgrades)
When access to protected data such as PeopleSoft is required, the POC will be responsible for making arrangements, so that the OnBase technical team gets access. This may include requesting access or a view to be created from the database/PeopleSoft administrators.
If the functional office chooses to outsource the scanning/conversion of documents to an outside vendor, this person will coordinate this task with the vendor (requirement [output structure], expectations and completion deadlines). Additional information can be found at: Outsourcing Paperwork for Scanning
The cost of provisioning and maintaining:
Scanning Equipment (including repairs)
Document Auditing
We recommend that the functional office create a policy on how documents are scanned and indexed (named). When physical documents are converted to electronic documents, it would be prudent to verify that this was done correctly. An audit should be done that involves sampling the scanned documents by comparing them with the original physical documents and confirming that documents are named and categorized correctly.
Some scanned documents may require a higher level of auditing that involves a larger sample set before they can be considered the official record and allow the physical documents to be destroyed.
Document Purge and Retention
Documents stored in OnBase will follow purge and retention schedules defined by the University’s Committee on Document Retention. These schedules adhere to the regulations of the University and the law.
It is the responsibility of the POC to confirm that the University’s purge and retention schedule for the department’s specific document types are compatible with the needs of the department.
Information Technology's responsibilities include the following:
Maintenance of the servers and OnBase application (including upgrades)
Performing routine data backups
Daily Operations
Assisting with changes related to:
User activation/deactivation
Document type creation
Role creation (and related security & queries)
Reports (on InfoView)
Implementations/Feature Enhancements
Prioritize enhancement requests