Embedding YouTube Videos in Brightspace

This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff
Created: 08/24/2022 Last Updated: 09/23/2024

To embed a YouTube video to a Brightspace module, watch this video:

Or follow the steps below:

  1. In your course, select the Content tab

Image of Content tab in Brightspace


  1. Then select or create a module

Image of a module


  1. Once your module is created, click the area of the module that says "Add a description..."

Image of the text in a module that says "Add a description"


  1. Then click the "Insert Stuff" icon

Image of insert stuff icon


  1. Select "YouTube"

Image of YouTube option when inserting a link


  1. Paste the link of a YouTube video that you with to embed and select "Search"

Image of youtube link and the search button


  1. Click on the YouTube video you want to insert and select "Next"

Image of YouTube video


  1. Select "Insert" to finish embedding the video to your module

Image of the insert button to embed the YouTube video


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Academic Technology Services
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Phone: 1-844-673-6786