Editing Echo360 Transcriptions and Uploading Closed Captions

Once ASR Transcription has been turned on you may notice errors and/or want to edit the transcriptions to turn them into perfect closed captions. 

This KB Article References: Echo360 Lecture Capture
This Information is Intended for: Instructors
Created: 03/27/2019 Last Updated: 03/06/2024
  1. Log into Echo360 at stonybrook.edu/echo360.
  2. In the Courses tab, click on the course you would like to edit the transcription for.
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  3. Go to the row corresponding to the particular recording you would like to edit and click on the play icon.
  4. Next, click on Details.
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  5. By the recording details in the bottom left, click on the drop-down menu next to Transcripts and click Download Original.
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  6. Open up the downloaded file with Notepad or some other word processor. (Note the format of the .vtt file. In blocks of 3 you have the timestamp duration, what was said, and a confidence that each word was transcribed properly.)
  7. Go through your recording and the .vtt file making sure the text is right and the timestamps are relatively proper.
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  8. To upload the .vtt file as a fixed transcript follow steps 1-5 and click Upload next to Transcripts.
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  9. To upload the .vtt file as closed captions follow steps 1-5 and click Add next to Captions.
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