Subscribing and unsubscribing to a listserv via email

This KB Article References: LISTSERV (Electronic Mailing Lists)
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 01/11/2017 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

To Subscribe to a listserv

Send an email to Stony Brook's listserv system:

Leave the subject line blank.  

In the message body, type "subscribe", listname, first name and then last name separated by spaces.



Subject:  [blank] 

Body:  subscribe  HEA-Jobs  John  Smith

To unsubscribe from a listserv

Send an email to Stony Brook's listserv system:

Leave the subject line blank.  

In the message body, type "unsubscribe" and listname separated by spaces.



Subject:  [blank] 

Body:  unsubscribe  HEA-Jobs

More lists to subscribe to can be found at

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