Blackboard Being Decommissioned: Do You Have Everything You Need From Blackboard?


Over 5,000 courses are now being taught in Brightspace! As a reminder, Brightspace will be the only learning management system available after the Spring 2023 semester. In early Fall 2023, Blackboard will be decommissioned. At this time, we would like you to confirm that all of the course materials you need moving forward are in Brightspace. 

My course has not been moved over from Blackboard to Brightspace. What should I do?

All Blackboard courses from Fall 2021, Winter 2022, Spring 2022, Summer 2022, and Fall 2022 have been moved over. If you have any courses that were not taught during that time period and would like them moved over, submit a request to DoIT via the ticket system with the course/semester information or move the content directly into your Brightspace course. You can also request to move over your non-credit course or organization

How long will I have access to Blackboard? 

Faculty and students will have access to Blackboard until October 4, 2023. 

What will happen to all of my courses in Blackboard? 

After October 4, 2023, all of your courses in Blackboard will be archived to K16 solutions. Faculty and staff will not have access to this archive, but can request reports for a grade dispute. If you would like to retain your own copy of your gradebook from each of your courses, you will need to download each grade center before October 4, 2023.

Will the archive include everything that was in Blackboard?   

Archives include: student submissions, discussions, file attachments, assignments, quizzes, feedback, and the gradebook.

Anything in your course that is not a native part of Blackboard will not be archived. For example, all VoiceThreads, Echo360 videos, and textbook content will not be archived, but will still be available directly through each system and can connect to the content in Brightspace. 

What if one of my students still has an incomplete and will not be complete by October 4, 2023?

After October 4, 2023, you will need to make arrangements directly with students who have incompletes to accept assignments electronically. 

Need help? 

Elizabeth Terese Newman
Vice Provost for Curriculum and Undergraduate Education
Associate Professor, History

For More Information Contact

Academic Technology Services