Viewing Recent Activity in Google Drive

This KB Article References: Google Drive
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 02/03/2014 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

If you or your team uses Google Drive to create, share, or store items, the Activity Stream in Google Drive allows you to easily view changes to your files/folders. The Activity Stream can also be a helpful way to find that file you just created but don't remember the name of!

  • From Google Drive, click on the information icon image of information icon button  near the top right to view recent changes, including moving/removing, renaming, uploading, sharing/unsharing, and editing/commenting on files or folders (to see new activity of a specific document or folder, first select that item from drive to view activity for only it)
    Activity stream in google drive
  • For forms, when a form is filled out, you will appear in the Activity stream as the person who "edited" the item.

Learn more about this powerful feature.

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