Understanding the Benefits of ePortfolios

This KB Article References: Digication ePortfolios
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Students
Created: 08/28/2012 Last Updated: 04/01/2024

Challenges for young professionals:

When applying for internships, programs, or jobs there is an intense focus to define yourself as the best candidate while being limited to a strict page count. This leaves little room to convey all of the experience a student has gained during their college years.  However, an ePortfolio is a living resume.

How does the ePortfolio help?

In your ePortfolio you can:

  • Present your education and how that knowledge can be applied to an industry
  • Discuss your work experiences and the skills you've honed
  • Highlight the research or laboratory work you've participated in, as well as the marketable skills you've developed using programs like Photoshop, Microsoft Office, Java, etc.
  • Elaborate on volunteer experiences, study abroad programs, or clubs you have participated in and how those have impacted you 

All together these experiences and the way that you talk about them are a way to showcase  yourself beyond a one page resume.

It is a way to create a digital footprint for future employers to access that is professional and informative. It is a platform you can take with you after graduation and to start to create an online presents that is vital in today's digital era. 

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