Setting up Notifications When Someone Accesses a Document with Azure Information Protection (AIP)

This KB Article References: Azure Information Protection (AIP)
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Researchers, Staff
Created: 06/17/2019 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

You can get an email notification when someone tries to open a document or when access to a document is denied.

  1. Open a protected document, click Protect > Track and Revoke

    *Or without opening it, right-click on the file > Classify and Protect > Track and Revoke

  2. If necessary, log in with your email address and your NetID password.

  3. Click Settings and choose an option:

    • Notify me by email when someone tries to open this document

    • Notify me only when access to the document is denied

    • Don't notify me (This turns off email notifications)

  1. Close the window when finished or click on All Documents to add notifications to other documents.

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