Requesting PeopleSoft Access

This KB Article References: PeopleSoft
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff
Created: 07/24/2012 Last Updated: 02/28/2025

Staff in most departments use PeopleSoft for some aspect of their jobs whether it be to view employee records, view student records, schedule classes or work on the department budget. PeopleSoft is broken down into specific areas so that staff can be assigned access to just the processes needed to do their job.

Data Custodians

Each area has a "Data Custodian" who is responsible for approving and assigning access. Users must contact the data custodian in each area needed for their job (see the list below).

Once access is approved and assigned by the data custodian the user will be contacted by the person responsible for training. Training must be completed in order to obtain an ID and password.

Area of ResponsibilityData Custodian
Accounting - IFR Accruals
Sara Lehmann, Guneeta Jaspal, Lolita Sung
Elizenda Mondesir, Cathy Ribando, Katherine P. Soto, Vincent Digiovanna, Melissa Gilroy
Campus ID Card/Add Non-EmployeesStudent Financial Services IT
Finance - SBFMichael Danielson, Edward Collins
Finance - USBMichael Danielson, Edward Collins
Foreign NationalsLindsi Walker
Human Resources - West Campus
(includes SOM and HSC) 
Human Resources Information Systems
Human Resources - Univ. HospitalLaura Greenberg, Jordana Dory
Student - Catalog and SchedulingMichael Mooney
Student Employment in SOLARRequest Form
Student - Financial AidAdelaide Kuzmack, George Hores
Student - FinancialsStudent Financial Services IT
Student - Graduate and Health Sciences AdmissionsRichard MacDonald
Student - Records and RegistrationMichael Mooney, Stephen Fogarty
Student - SPD AdmissionsLori Lyons
Student - TransferDeborah Serling
Student - UG AdmissionsDavid Taiclet


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