Requesting a Program be "Run as Administrator" on Managed Windows Machines

Once you have the Admin By Request application installed on your workstation you can request administrative access for a specific program (e.g., application, installer, executable).

This KB Article References: Admin By Request
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 02/08/2024 Last Updated: 02/08/2024
  1. Run the application that requires administrative privileges, or right-click the executable and select "Run as Administrator".
    right click on program and select Run as administrator
  2. At the User Account Control prompt, fill in the required information - email, phone, and reason (as detailed as possible) for your request. 
  3. After submitting your request, you'll see a Thank you confirmation window and get a confirmation email.
  4. If your request is approved, you will see a popup in the bottom right of your desktop and get an email. You can run the requested program right away or at another time within 2 weeks, at which point the approval expires. If the approval expires, submit a new request.
    request approved. pop up saying this: Your request to run Notepad++: a free (GNU) source code editor has been approved. Do you want to run it now? Yes button; No button
  5. When you chose to run the request and click Yes in the Request Approved prompt, you'll see a Code of Conduct. Read the Code of Conduct notice carefully and then click Ok, and your application will start with administrative rights.

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