Legacy Walk-up Media Station Classroom Help Guide

This is a general help guide for all classrooms with this style touch panel. While the steps and location of buttons are the same regardless of which style room you are in, there may be slight discrepancies in font, color, options and icons, dependent on the slight differences in hardware.

For specific details about your classroom, please refer to the Installed Classroom Equipment Guide or contact AV.

This KB Article References: Classroom Technology and Support Solutions
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff
Created: 03/31/2023 Last Updated: 03/31/2023

Step 1: Connect your device to the media station.


Flip down the media station to locate the Aux Input Plate.
Available connections may differ in your room but can include:
  • HDMI
  • VGA
  • 3.5mm Audio
  • Wired Internet
You will need to bring relevant cable to connect your device. Contact Classroom Technology & Support Solutions for assistance in identifying the appropriate cable for your specific device.


Step 2: Locate the touch panel and tap the screen to wake up the display.