Fixing Intel License Checkout

This KB Article References: High Performance Computing
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 09/23/2019 Last Updated: 06/19/2024

All Intel compilers checkout a license file from our license server before beginning actual compilation. This should only take a fraction of a second, but could be up to 10 seconds or longer if things are not configured correctly.

We used to have an old license server with a different IP address that hosted our Intel license files. If you ever used older versions of Intel parallel studio on the cluster, this old IP address may have been cached in your home directory. Even though the old license server is no longer on the network, all Intel compilers you use might still be trying to connect to this license server and hitting the 10 second timeout. You can check all license server connection attempts with the following command:

module load intel-stack; strace icpc --version 2>/dev/stdout|grep connect|grep -E "([0-9]+\.){3}[0-9]+"

Ideally, you should only see the local and public IP address of our current Intel license server: and If you see, then you have the old license server IP cached somewhere in your home directory. Run the following command to fix this:

find ~/Licenses ~/intel/licenses -type f -exec sed -e 's/' -i {} \;

Modify the above command if you have any other incorrect license server connection attempts. You can check all the license cache files that Intel tries to open with the following command:

module load intel-stack; strace icpc --version 2>/dev/stdout|grep ^stat|grep lic

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