Customizing Your Google Calendar

This KB Article References: Google Calendar
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff, Students
Created: 09/07/2012 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

You can customize your calendar by:

Changing the View

  1. Go to Google Calendar at
  2. At the top right of the page, under your name and icon, there is a list of different timespans - clicking these will change the view

    Note: The Agenda view will only render 50 entries per day. To view agenda entries for a specific time period, click on a date in the Mini Calendar (top-left of calendar)
    Mini calendar near top left corner of calendar to view agenda events from a specific time period

Enabling Labs

Google Calendar Labs allow you to try experimental new features created by developers. You can enable and disable Labs at any time. Note: Labs are experimental, by using them you accept the risk that they may not properly work.

  1. Go to Google Calendar at
  2. Click on the gear in the top right corner ("Settings")
    Image removed.
  3. Select Labs
  4. Select which labs you want by clicking Enable
  5. Click Save at the bottom of the page

Adding Holidays

  1. Go to Google Calendar at
  2. On the left, click the arrow next to Other calendars
  3. Select Browse Interesting Calendars
  4. Find a holiday calendar you'd like and click Subscribe
  5. If you accidently subscribe to a calendar, or you no longer want a particular calendar, follow the above steps and click Unsubscribe

Adding Sports Team Schedules

  1.  Follow steps 1-3 above, click on the "Sports" tab at the top of the interesting calendars page
  2. Select the sport of the team you are looking for
  3. Select the league of the team you are looking for
  4. Find the team, then click Subscribe

Adding the Local Weather

  1. Go to Google Calendar at
  2. Click on the gear icon (top right) and select Settings
  3. Click General at the top of the settings page
  4. Scroll to Location, to the right, enter your location (either city name or zip code)
  5. Next to Show weather based on my location select your unit of temperature
  6. Click on Save at the bottom of the page

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