Turning Chat On and Off

By default, the chat in Google Mail is turned on, but you can turn it off in Mail settings.

This KB Article References: Google Mail
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff, Students
Created: 09/06/2012 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

By default, the chat in Google Mail (classic Hangouts) is enabled, but you can turn it off in Google Mail settings. If you opt to turn classic Hangout off in Google Mail, you can still use Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet.

  1. From your Google inbox, click on image of settings gear icon near the top-right corner 
  2. Select Settings
  3. Along the top, click Chat
  4. Select Chat on or Chat off
  5. At the botom, click Save Changes
    Google Mail chat settings with the Chat on radio button selected; Chat off is the other option. Save Changes button is below

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