Classroom Technology Best Practices

Use this article for guidance in properly operating various classroom technologies including: audio visual systems, computer systems, and software such as Echo 360 and Zoom.

Classroom Technology - Best Practices


For your own network security, please remember to log yourself out after every use.

Echo360 Best Practices:
  1. Schedule your recording & live capture, and once linked to your course, you can verify your upcoming captures in the university Learning Management System.
  2. Use the wireless microphone, if available for the room.  Depending on the room, it may need to be picked up, or it is located in a safe.
  3. Properly wear the microphone (if wearable), set volume, and test before beginning your lecture.
  4. In rooms with camera control, locate “camera control” on the control screen, and select your preferred camera angle.  
  5. Make sure live capturing is on for your scheduled recording. Log into your Echo account to view what is streaming/being captured, or to see other scheduled recordings.
  6. Use electronic devices, such as the annotation monitor or a tablet to display information … The system is not designed to capture the physical board.
  7. Remain mindful of class location, and your scheduled start and stop times.


Zoom Best Practices:
  1. If you are not expecting guests, set your Zoom session to “authenticate”.
  2. Ensure correct mic and speaker output are selected in Zoom as per our “One Sheet guide”.
  3. Test to make sure you’re able to be heard on the other side of the Zoom call.
  4. Verify your username is accurate and check your background.

Need help?  

Reference the  posted “Classroom Information” signage for immediate support via the Classroom Hotline.



 Help Stony Brook save energy - please shut down the projector at the end of your class!



Additional Information

KB Details
This KB Article References: Classroom Technology and Support Solutions
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Staff
Created: 09/29/2022
Last Updated: 12/20/2023