Adding Web Calendars and Events to Google Calendar

This KB Article References: Google Calendar
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff, Students
Created: 04/17/2013 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

You can subscribe to calendars and events for your Google Calendar when you click Subscribe to calendar icon or Add to Calendar links in websites. To do so

  1. First, allow Google Calendar to open web calendar links
  2. Then subscribe to calendars or events

I. Allow Google Calendar to Open Web Calendar Links

  1. Log into Google Calendar at in the Google Chrome browser
  2. In the right side of the address bar click on thehandler icon icon
    address bar with handler icon
  3. In the pop up, select Use Google Calendar and click Done
     Google Calendar Handler options
    If you do not see the handler iconicon
    1. Click on the Google Chrome Settings icon in the top-right corner of Google Chrome
    2. Click on Settings
    3. At the bottom of the Settings page, click Show advanced settings...
    4. In the Privacy section, click Content settings...
    5. Scroll to the Handlers section and be sure the Allow sites to ask to become default handlers for protocols option is selected
    6. Click Manage handlers...
    7. If webcal handler in Chrome settings appears in the Ignored protocol handlers list, click X to the right to remove it from that list, close the window, and then repeat steps 1-3 above

 II. Subscribe to Calendars or Events

  1. Where you see Subscribe to calendar icon or Add to Calendar links on trusted websites, clickSubscribe to calendar icon or Add to Calendar
  2. Your Google Calendar will open with a message asking if you want to add the calendar. Click Yes, add this calendar 
    subscribe to Google Calendar pop up message
  3. The calendar/event will be added to your list of Other calendars in Google Calendar, and its events will display
    DoIT Events calendars in Other Google Calendars

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