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Search results

  1. and online resources, they contribute to the collective knowledge base, helping ...
    • The HSC Commons (room 136),  21 Windows  PC's,  and 3 all in one printer/copier/scanners (color printing available), supported by DoIT
    • Student Consultant available for assistance
    • HSC schedules reflect only consultant availability - - Not actual hours operation
  2. Tabler SINC Site, Room 105 Customer Engagement and Support Supported By 40.91-73.13 Macs Pharos Printer Pharos Release Station Scanner Teaching Station (Mac) Tabler Digital Arts Media Lab The Tabler Digital Arts Media Lab has ...
    • The Fine Arts Hybrid SINC Site has 21 Apple iMacs
    • Additional technology includes M-AUDIO KeyStudio 49i MIDI keyboards, Korg Kontrol Slim-Line USB controllers, Microphones, stereo headphones, Wacom tablets, Epson scanners, a teacher station and data projector 
    • Pharos printer available
    • Academic use only
  3. - The HSC Coller Computer Lab (room 129),  has 136 available Windows PCs 
    - New All in one printer/scanner/copiers available  (color printing available), supported by DoIT
    - Computer Classrooms (Reservations Only via 25Live);  Health Science Center rm. 3-139 & Health Science Center rm. 3-149
    - HSC schedules reflect only consultant & printer availability - - Not actual hours operation


  4. - The Central Reading Room has 46 available Windows PC's
    - Two all in one printer/scanner/copiers available  (color printing available) supported by DoIT


  5. - The North Reading Room has 42 available Windows PC's
    - Two all in one printer/scanner/copiers available  (color printing available) supported by DoIT


  6. - The Main Library SINC Site has 12 Windows PCs, and 12 iMacs.  
    - It has four all in one printer/scanner/copiers available
    - Tech Station with services available that include walk-up device support, public printing support, and providing information regarding the variety of technology services offered by DoIT. Schedule an appointment for service at a tech station location.




  7. Steve/Annie my " Guru," has helped me with everything from Brightspace ...
