Synchronizing a Changed NetID Password on DoIT Supported Macs

This KB Article References: DoIT Macs
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 05/03/2024 Last Updated: 05/03/2024

If you/someone changed your NetID/Email password while you were logged into your computer

  1. A notification will inform you to sync your old Email/NetID password with your new one.
  2. Clicking the Sync button in the notification will launch the Stony Brook Sign-in application where you will enter your new password.
  3. In the next pop up window, enter your old password.

If you/someone changed your NetID/Email password when you were not logged into your computer

  1. During the singing in process, when prompted to enter your local account password to sync your passwords, enter your old password.