What information is required to create my event?

This KB Article References: SBEvents - Request a New Event
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff, Students
Created: 10/13/2015 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

In order to complete the SB Events online application you will need to know the following information:

• Department head approval
• University Controller approval for all paid events. 

Who, What, Where, When and Why?

• Who should attend your event?  
• What is the title of your event? Prepare a description of the event
• Where will your event be held? You will need to make arrangements for rooms and resources outside of SB Events. 
• When will your event take place?  Establish the date and time.


• Will there be a fee to attend?
• Will the fee be different for students, faculty or staff?
• Establish how that fee will be collected:  Check, Credit Card, PO, or other means. 
• Develop a refund policy for your event.

 Additional information needed to plan your event

• Determine if this is a repeat event; such as a workshop that takes place monthly or a onetime event
• Determine if your event will have multiple sessions or workshops
• How many people are invited?

Supported By

SB Events Support