Using IMAP or POP to Configure Other Mail Clients in Google or to Back up your Mail on your Computer

This KB Article References: Google Mail
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff, Students
Created: 09/06/2012 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

For those who like to back up email on their own computer or use a different mail client, Google Apps supports IMAP and POP connections. In order to use this feature you must:

  • Change your NetID password in the SOLAR System
  • Enable either IMAP or POP in your Google mail settings
Note:  If you have 2-step authentication set up on your Gmail account, you won't be able to setup Thunderbird with your mail.  Either turn it off or create a Gmail Application specific password for applications that connect via POP/IMAP.

Setting Up IMAP Access

Incoming mail (IMAP) server - requires SSL:
Incoming mail server Use SSL: Yes
Incoming mail port: 993
Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: (use authentication)
Outgoing mail Use Authentication: Yes
Outgoing mail Use STARTTLS: Yes (some clients call this SSL)
Outgoing mail port: 465 or 587
Account name: (For some Stony Brook users, their account name may be 
or or some other variation)
Email Address: (For some Stony Brook users, their email address may be 
or or some other variation)
Password: Your NetID password

Setting Up POP Access

Incoming mail (POP3) server - requires SSL:
Incoming mail server Use SSL: yes
Incoming mail port: 995
Outgoing mail (SMTP) server - requires TLS3 or SSL: (use authentication)
Outgoing mail Use Authentication: Yes
Outgoing mail port for TLS/STARTTLS: 587
Outgoing mail port for SSL: 465
Account name: (For some Stony Brook users, their account name may be 
or or some other variation)
Email Address: (For some Stony Brook users, their email address may be 
or or some other variation)
Password: Your NetID password

More Information

Google provides further detail on its support pages:

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