Making SB You Sites Mobile-friendly

SB You, the personal web publishing tool powered by WordPress, has built in functionality to allow you to easily create a site that will look great on any device: desktop or laptop computers, tablets, or mobile devices. This flexibility is called "responsive design."

This KB Article References: SB You
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 03/18/2014 Last Updated: 12/12/2023

SB You, the personal web publishing tool powered by WordPress, has built in functionality to allow you to easily create a site that will look great on any device: desktop or laptop computers, tablets, or mobile devices. This flexibility is called "responsive design."

Responsive Themes

To easily make your site responsive, chose one of these responsive and mobile ready themes:

  • SBU 2011
  • SBU 2012
  • SBU 2013
  • Twenty Eleven
  • Twenty Twelve
  • Twenty Thirteen
  • Daily Journal
  • Divi
  • Fable
  • Infoist
  • Magazino
  • Nexus
  • Noteworthy
  • Publish
  • Reddle
  • Responsive
  • Vertex

When you do so, the site will automatically adjust to the size of the screen. Here's an example:

Desktop/Laptop View

When viewing on a device with a large screen (desktop or laptop), the site shows information in two columns and the full menu across the top:

image of desktop view of Cole's blog: full view

Mobile Device View

When viewed on smaller screens, like tables or mobile devices, everything is displayed in one long column and the menu is collapsed into a drop down:

image of mobile device view of SB You blog

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