Removing Subscribers from your LISTSERV through Email

If you are the owner of a listserv, you have the ability to remove subscribers from a closed list, or one that requires permission to subscribe.

Removing subscribers to your list through email:

To remove subscribers one at a time:

    1. Compose an email to
    2. Leave the subject line blank
    3. In the body of the email, put "DELETE YourList-L" (i.e. DELETE MyList-L
    4. Send your email

To remove more than one subscriber at a time:

    1. Compose an email to
    2. Leave the Subject line blank
    3. In the Body of the email, put "DELETE YourList-L" (i.e. DELETE MyList-L on a separate line for each person you want to subscribe to your list
    4. Send your email

Additional Information

KB Details
This KB Article References: LISTSERV (Electronic Mailing Lists)
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff, Students
Created: 10/16/2012
Last Updated: 08/11/2020

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Academic Technology Services