Updating the Zoom App on Your Computer (Windows or Mac)

Zoom frequently releases updates, but your Zoom app doesn't update itself automatically, so manually check for and apply updates regularly (do the update in the app not at stonybrook.zoom.us). If you have issues updating Zoom, create a ticket

This KB Article References: Zoom
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Guests, Researchers, Staff, Students
Created: 11/24/2020 Last Updated: 04/17/2024

Zoom frequently releases updates. However, the Zoom app on your computer doesn't update itself automatically, so manually check for and apply updates regularly (do the update in the app not at stonybrook.zoom.us). If you have issues updating Zoom, create a ticket

Video Demo

  1. Launch the Zoom app
    1. Windows
      1. Click the Windows icon windows 10 in the taskbar.
      2. In your apps list, scroll until you get to the Zoom folder.
      3. Click on the Zoom folder.
      4. Double click on Start Zoom, to launch the application. 
    2. Mac
      1. Find the Finder icon finder icon in your Dock.
      2. Right-click on the icon, then click New Finder Window.
      3. In the new window, click Applications. Find zoom.us in your apps list and double click the icon to start the app.
  2. Once the Zoom app opens,  sign into the Zoom app, with SSO/NetID (or sign out and back in to be sure you're signed in with SSO). 
    sign in with SSO
  3. Click your picture/initials in the top right corner, and click Check for Updates 
    (For some, but not all, Zoom updates, the zoom app will show a banner that A new version is available! Update at the top. Click Update in that banner to update)
    zoom app check for updates and notification of new update
  4. If prompted to update Zoom, follow the prompts to do so
  5. If, when updating Zoom, you receive an error message that the updates are disabled, create a ticket for assistance updating Zoom:
    1. In a website, go to service.stonybrook.edu
    3. Sign in with your NetID/NetID password
    4. Click Zoom Video Conferencing
    5. Complete the information, indicating you got an error trying to update Zoom

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