Error With MySBFiles on Windows 10

This KB Article References: MySBfiles
This Information is Intended for: Instructors, Staff, Students
Created: 10/30/2015 Last Updated: 08/11/2020

If you get one of the following errors while attempting to access MySBFiles - "Invalid Signature". "System error 2148072478" or "An extended error has occurred"; and you are using a computer running Windows 10 - then you need to map MySBFiles. 


  1. Open the start menu.
  2. In the search box type "PowerShell".
  3. Click on "Windows PowerShell".
  4. In the window that opens type (without quotes) "Set-SmbClientConfiguration -RequireSecuritySignature $true". Hit enter.
  5. Retry opening MySBFiles. If you can now access MySBFiles, then you are finished. Only continue to step 6 if you still cannot access MySBFiles.
  6. Go back to Windows PowerShell.
  7. Type (remove outer quotes) "Set-ItemProperty -Path"HKLM:\STSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanWorkstation\Parameters" RequireSecureNegotiate -Value 0 -Force" . Hit enter. 
  8. Now you should be able to access MySBFiles. 

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