This Year in DoIT, by the Numbers

Published: 05/06/2024

As another academic year draws to a close, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the achievements and support that the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) has provided our vibrant campus community. We understand the critical role technology plays in your academic success, and we continuously strive to ensure you have the resources and support you need to thrive. The 2023-24 academic year was filled with numerous highlights, including: 

Ticket Icon: 25000 Help Tickets Opened


help tickets opened

Stop Icon: 153000 Malicious IP Addresses Blocked


malicious IP addresses blocked

Computer Icon: 15 Million Pageviews on the DoIT Website


pageviews on the DoIT website

Student Workers Icon: 200 Student Workers in DoIT


student workers in DoIT

Workshop Icon: 1600 Registrants for DoIT Workshops


registrants for DoIT workshops

Satisfaction Icon: 95% Customer Satisfaction


customer satisfaction

Laptop Icon: 1216 Students Utilized the Laptop Loaner Program


students utilized the laptop loaner program

Malware Shield Icon: 144 Malicious PowerShell scripts blocked


malicious PowerShell scripts blocked

Internship Icon: 50 Sponsored Internships and Experiences


sponsored internships/ experiences

Phone Icon: 13000 Calls to DoIT


calls to DoIT

Computer Icon: 206 Machines Replaced in the HSC


machines replaced in the HSC

Malware Icon: 10000 Instances of Malware Blocked


instances of malware blocked

*Numbers represent this past academic year, August 2, 2023 through April 22, 2024.

Gratitude for our Graduating DoIT Student Workers
A huge round of applause for our incredible graduating seniors! As they embark on their exciting next chapters, we at DoIT want to express our sincere gratitude to the 62 graduating seniors who have been instrumental in supporting our department this past year. Their dedication, technical expertise and positive spirit have been invaluable assets to our team. They've played a vital role in end user support, classroom technology, software development, and their contributions have made a significant difference in how we serve the University community. We wish them all the best in their future endeavors and have no doubt they'll achieve great things!

The STAR IT student recognition program aims to recognize DoIT's student workforce for their dedication and outstanding achievement. Spring Award recipients are Pak Ming Lau, Alex Li, Cathy Ma and Henry Wang.

DoIT Plans for the Summer and What to Expect This Fall
Student Experience:

A digital Storyboarding Studio is under development in the Melville Library on the first floor, adjacent to the Tech Lounge. This includes a high-end multimedia ideation space for students.

Students who are seeking internships in Information Systems (ISE 488) or general EXP+ credit are encouraged to attend the on campus job fair this Fall.

Classroom Upgrades: A series of classroom technology upgrades designed to enhance your teaching and learning experience are planned. They include HSC LH3, the Library W4540, Psych A 137,and Harriman 115. This initiative provides a more engaging and interactive learning environment for both students and instructors. The upgrades include a fully digital, accessible compliant, to-standard media system, in a wall box or lectern (depending on the room) including technology such as:

* A PC, device input, and wireless collaboration device (Solstice) in every room

* Annotation monitor in medium rooms and lecture halls

* Voice amplification in medium rooms and lecture halls

* Hybrid teaching technology in medium rooms and lecture halls

The HSC L3-139/149 are getting new lecterns and monitors. The team is also swapping out the projector in SBSh Duke Lecture Hall with a new 4K LCD.

These upgrades will offer numerous advantages, including improved accessibility for all students, enhanced teaching and learning experiences with modern technology tools, and increased flexibility for instructors to utilize diverse instructional methods while fostering a more collaborative learning environment.

The classroom refreshes will be completed during the summer break to minimize disruption to ongoing classes. We will keep you updated on the progress and inform you of any specific room closures that may occur.

DoIT Website: The DoIT website,, will undergo an upgrade Tuesday, May 7th to ensure our website remains on a secure and supported platform. Read the full announcement on the DoIT website. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the DoIT HelpDesk at

Expansion of Brightspace: This year, several departments requested addition of 3rd party learning tools such as ALEX, CodeGrade and Gradescope. With Brightspace, we can lock down tools that departments fund so that it is only available to those areas. The team is exploring the addition of Google Workspace and EAB Navigate for Fall …stay tuned!

Also, if you are seeking a Learning Management Systems (LMS), Brightspace is now available for all Hospital, Research and West campus employees and students. An LMS provides a central hub for resources, assignments, completions and communication. For example, departments can use Brightspace to disseminate training content and collect who completes it.

On the Horizon

As a result of my Campus wide listening tour, I heard your feedback and am excited to announce the development of a comprehensive Digital Governance framework, designed to propel us towards achieving "Our Moment." This initiative aligns with our strategic vision of "Innovating to Elevate."

As we Innovate to Elevate Our Moment key considerations we are keeping top of mind are as follows:

*  Ensure digital resources and investments align with University strategic mission and goals

*  Involve decision makers who represent the broader campus community

*  Increase transparency of digital initiatives across the University

*  Seek to foster partnership across the University

*  Create and maintain a simple and efficient process

We're excited to share this new framework with the campus community and gather valuable feedback throughout its development. Your input is crucial in shaping how we use technology to enhance the University experience for everyone. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to provide feedback.

My leadership team and I appreciate your partnership and look forward to supporting you in the upcoming academic year.


Simeon Ananou, D.Ed.
Vice President for Information Technology & Chief Information Officer 
Stony Brook University